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Writer's pictureMohana Prabhakar

Key questions to ask a hiring manager during a job interview

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Key questions to ask a hiring manager during a job interview

Picture this: You are invited to a virtual interview with one of your dream companies. You prepare enthusiastically, arm yourself with pre-rehearsed answers, and fine-tune your elevator pitch. The hiring manager starts shooting the questions, and you counter like a pro. As the conversation winds down, the tables turn, and you're faced with the unexpected twist: "So, do you have any questions for me?"

You've only got 5 to 15 minutes to assess your potential manager's leadership skills, the essence of the role and understand the dynamics of the team. Reverse interviewing demands not just preparedness but the finesse of polite persistence, artful inquisition, and the charm of a conversationalist.

Whether you're starting your career or an experienced professional, these questions will prepare you know more about the hiring while assessing if the role and company is suitable for you.

Questions to know more about the role and team

How is the team currently structured? What changes are you anticipating in the near future?

Inquiring about the team's current and future structure helps you understand the manager's organizational skills and ability to plan for growth. It provides insight into their forward-thinking approach to team dynamics and how they envision integrating new members.

What tools comprise your team's tech stack?

Having a tech stack indicates the streamlining of processes to a certain extent. It also provides insight into the learning curve and adaptability required if your previous experience is with different tools.

What methods of communication does your team employ? Do you have a preferred mode, such as email, Slack, phone calls, SMS, or meetings?

Understanding the team's communication dynamics and the chosen communication modes also reveals the team's boundaries regarding work-life balance, highlighting whether they prioritize asynchronous communication, real-time interaction, or a combination of both.

What do you perceive as a challenge I might encounter within this position?

While this question shows your proactivity, it also assesses the hiring manager's transparency to provide you with insightful information about potential difficulties. This exchange demonstrates whether they value open communication and are realistic about the role's demands.

Assuming I am selected for the position, how would you define success after six months into this role?

Evaluate the hiring manager's clarity and alignment with the organization's goals. A strong hiring manager will have a well-defined set of expectations and key performance indicators (KPIs). Also, it can indicate whether they have a structured onboarding process, a clear vision for the role's progression, and ongoing feedback and performance evaluation.

Questions to know more about the hiring manager

Could you share some examples of how you've supported team members in their career growth and development?

Assess your potential manager's leadership & coaching abilities and their commitment to their team's success.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate yourself as a manager?

Gain insight into the individual's self-awareness, self-assessment, and how they perceive their strengths and areas for improvement as a manager.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you think your team members would rate your performance as their manager?

It provides insight into the individual's self-awareness and ability to accurately gauge their team's satisfaction and perception of their leadership.

How do you foster an environment of open communication and feedback within your team?

Uncover the individual's strategies for creating an atmosphere where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, concerns, and ideas. It sheds light on their communication and leadership style, emphasizing the importance of transparency and collaboration.

How do your team members and colleagues generally describe your management style in 3 words?

The aim is to understand how the manager is perceived by those they lead and work alongside. It reveals the manager's impact on team morale, collaboration, and overall dynamics.

What challenges do you typically encounter as a manager, and how do you address them to ensure your team's success?

Here, the focus is on the manager's problem-solving abilities and dedication to supporting their team. It provides insights into the manager's adaptability and ability to handle difficulties that arise within the team environment.

How do you prioritize regular check-ins with your team members, and what topics are typically discussed during these meetings?

This question delves into the manager's approach to staying informed about their team's progress and well-being. It demonstrates their commitment to maintaining open lines of communication and facilitating collaboration.

What approach do you use for providing feedback? Is it the sandwich method, SBI (Situation-Behavior-Impact), GROW (Goal, Reality, Options, Will), or something else?

Understanding the manager's style of feedback delivery highlights their ability to communicate and guide the team members to improve.

What qualities do you value most in your team members and aim to foster within your team's dynamic?

By asking about valued qualities, the question underscores the manager's vision for the team culture and their expectations for team behavior. It highlights their role in shaping a positive and productive work environment.

When a team member faces challenges meeting performance expectations, could you outline your strategy to support their growth and improvement?

Assess the manager's coaching and mentoring skills. It reveals their approach to nurturing talent and ensuring team members have the tools and guidance to succeed.

How do you recognize and reward outstanding performance within your team, and how does this contribute to the team's overall success?

Examine the manager's strategies for motivating and acknowledging exceptional efforts. It showcases their ability to boost team morale, encourage continuous improvement, and create a culture of achievement.

What strategies do you employ to balance your work and personal life?

Assess their ability to manage their time effectively, prioritize tasks, and create a conducive environment for both work and personal well-being. Additionally, it provides an understanding of their leadership style, employee relations, and organizational values related to work-life balance, which can be crucial for creating a positive work environment for potential employees.

Tips for asking the tough questions

While it's scary to ask questions to hiring managers, especially in the entry-level stage, it's an opportunity to understand whether the role and company align well with your personality, work style, and career aspirations. So, don't hesitate or feel underconfident. Be open to making mistakes!

  • Do thorough research about the company and its products.

  • Explore the hiring manager's LinkedIn and portfolio (if available).

  • Show your enthusiasm to learn more about them.

  • Be confident while asking the questions.

  • Prepare the answers to your questions in case the hiring manager asks you the same.

  • Prepare 6 to 8 questions, but don't ask more than five as time is limited, and sometimes hiring managers can get frustrated. Observe their reactions and responses to evaluate if this role, team, and manager is right for you.

  • Follow a semi-structured interview style by following up with questions based on the answers provided.

  • Make the interview experience a fun one for the hiring manager.

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